Body Image

Body Image

 Body image concerns arise when one does not feel comfortable with their physical appearance. One’s unacceptance of their body impacts their self-esteem and, at times, their overall well-being. It might lead to feelings of anxiety, sadness, and other challenging emotions. The media, culture, and comments from friends and family make it harder for individuals to accept their bodies and embrace themselves just as they are.

Therapy provides the following and much more:

  • A non-judgmental space to explore any childhood trauma that often underlies a poor body image 
  • A place that does not invalidate one’s concerns as big or small but seeks to compassionately explore the pain underneath
  • The tools to empower yourself by distinguishing your self-beliefs from others’ unhelpful comments. In South-Asian culture, where such remarks are normalized, creating a space to heal from such remarks becomes crucial for personal growth and self-esteem
  • Conversations that empower you to challenge these sociocultural narratives of ideal bodies that help you not only feel comfortable in your skin but to embrace yourself just the way you are
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